You can now easily integrate Monero into your business by using RINO’s API services. All the benefits of RINO enterprise wallets can be used within your service, for example spending policies and approvals.

Getting started

RINO’s enterprise wallets can be integrated with any service by using a SDK. The SDK is a component that runs as a “side-car” container within your system and encapsulates all private data such as secret keys and credentials. After starting the SDK you can interact with RINO’s wallet using a simple REST API locally.


  • Language agnostic - use any programming language
  • Secure - keys never leave your servers
  • Easy to update - simply update the Docker image
  • Self-contained - no dependencies, no installation hassle


Check out this blog post for an introduction on how to automate payments using RINO’s SDK.

Example Usages

  • Automate payments: Easily create transactions without the hassle of maintaining a full Monero infrastructure.
  • Secure withdrawals: All withdrawals over a given size need to be approved by a human operator.
  • 4-eye principle on business payments: Transactions over a given amount must be co-signed by at least two people.
